Check-in and welcome coffee |
Opening by GrUSP |
Keynote: PHPStan: How the Sausage Is Made Ondřej MirtesDeveloper @ PHPStan Ondřej Mirtes develops PHPStan, a popular open-source static analyser, as his full-time job. In this talk he'll share all the aspects that go into the project: development, prioritization of issues and ideas, community management, making money, and marketing. Most of the takeaways from the talk apply to any project, not just the open-source ones. It will give the attendees a few ideas how they can improve their daily work too. |
ChatGPT: a use case to query Elasticsearch using natural language in PHP Enrico Zimuel |
Coffee break |
PHP 8.2 - Just upgrade and go? Arne Blankerts |
Managers under scrutiny: 5 ways to kill your team's productivity unintentionally Sabine Wojcieszak |
Lunch break |
Lightning talks |
Schrödinger's SQL - The SQL inside the ORM/Builder box Claudio Zizza |
Minimum Viable PHPipeline James Titcumb |
Coffee break |
Stories from a career dropout Femke Buijs |
Learn to appreciate legacy Ivo Lukač |
See you tomorrow! |
Happy Hour |
Check-in and welcome coffee |
Opening by GrUSP |
Step into debugging Gary Hockin |
Theory of programming: packaging principles Alexander Makarov |
Coffee break |
PHPUnit 10 Sebastian Bergmann |
From domain to code: a practical approach Davide Borsatto |
Lunch break |
Lightning talks |
Monitoring a PHP application with OpenTelemetry Enrico Zimuel |
PHP's type system dissected George Peter Banyard |
Coffee break |
Keynote: An Elderly Software Developer’s Long Journey through Technology Mark BakerSenior Software Developer at Forty years in Software development is a long time; thirty-five years writing open source software is a long time; nearly thirty years writing software for the WorldWideWeb is a long time. You don't write software for that long without making mistakes, and without learning a few lessons along the way. So follow me on a high-speed summary of his life in software and open source development; some of the advances in technology that have occurred in that period; and some of the lessons that I've learned in that time. |
Closing by GrUSP |